Today's post is best
without a picture. That's because I had a colonoscopy done this morning just because my doctor thinks I'm at the age where it's a good idea. It all went very well and they did give me pictures but I promise NOT to post them. Have to say, though, I do take good pictures from that angle. :-0
The actual procedure isn't that bad. The worst part of the ordeal was prepping for the procedure yesterday. That involved going all day without eating anything and taking some icky stuff to completely clean out the pipes. I did discover through the process that it's not good to watch cooking programs when you haven't eaten all day. Plus, it seemed like every commercial on TV yesterday was for food!
Colon cancer is a serious problem these days, though, and I highly recommend having this procedure done as recommended by your doctor. The doctor today said it takes several years for a polyp to turn cancerous so if they catch it early the chances of getting cancer are reduced over 90%. Since I had such a clean slate, so to speak, the doctor said to come back in 10 years. I like that.
The doctor told me not to drive today, so after returning home from the clinic, I spent the rest of the day catching up on real estate business and new inquiries. For some reason I got deluged with internet inquiries for various properties. By deluged, I don't mean 100 (this is Wenatchee afterall), but I did have 5 different inquires... one each from Virginia - Bend, Oregon - Twisp, Washington - Cashmere, Washington - and San Ramon, California. I enjoy working with people from out of the area because I've been here so long that I can be very informative regarding the area. I think my
residential blog has helped because they see that I follow the trends and know the area.
Also, I'm working with a court-ordered estate sale and that's been a bit of a challenge. I've done about two weeks of preliminary work and finally got it signed all around today with buyer and the court administrator. Since the value is so low, it's a good thing I was able to find a buyer so I don't have to share the commission. Some of these things we get into really takes more time than it's worth... but I enjoy it anyway and am never really sorry that I get involved.
Well... I'm going to sign off for now and go watch the Mariners game. They seem to be coming out of the doldrums a bit. They won all three games against the San Diego Padres this week-end and are currently leading Baltimore. I'm not really one of those "good times" fans. I like watching them even when they're not doing well... but I enjoy watching them even more when they are doing well. Go Mariners!