Sunday, April 16, 2006

Spring Blossoms

We love the Spring and watching all the trees as they bloom and leaf out. TodayMax & I went out for a drive around town, stopping along the way to take pictures as we saw pretty flowering trees that we liked. The first picture is of Max in our little garden of Phlox. The roses, in the background, are leafing out nicely and we're looking forward to them blooming a good portion of the summer. The fourth picture is that of a small cherry orchard that continues to survive in the city. The rest of the pictures are from around town, in no particular order.


Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...the sweet smell of favorite season of the year!

Cousin Peggi

Carol said...

I absolutely love Spring too... but, as much as I love Spring, I love Fall a little more. This is because the Spring winds blow the pollen around, stirring up the misery of allergies. Fall is not usually windy and I love the Fall colors too.