One of my friends called from Redmond, Oregon this morning, chiding me for not having anything new on the blog. I told her there wasn't really much of anything new going on here. As Labor Day week-end comes and goes, we are looking forward to Fall and some cooler weather.
Then I got to thinking that it might be kind of fun to post some "old" pictures.... from the days when I was still young, cute (and skinny).
Here's one of my Mom & Dad at Crater Lake. Not sure when it was taken, but I would guess in the late 40's.

Here is my Dad holding Clair when he was just a baby. This was taken out in the front yard at our house at 11910 S.E. Ash St. in Portland, Oregon. It was probably taken in late 1951 or early 1952. Notice all those tall old trees?
Then there is me and my brother, Clair, when we were just little munchkins... taken out by the street in front of our house. This was probably taken about 1954 or 1955, when I was 2 or 3 years old. Clair is one year and 10 days older than me.

Until recently, this street, where we lived, was still one of the very few unpaved streets in the city of Portland. It's interesting to look at photos like these, when we were so young, and think about all that's happened since then.
Remember... you can click on any of these images to enlarge them.
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