Today we had out first consultation with Max's new primary care physician, Dr. Peter Rutherford. Our other doctor retired at the end of last year, so we were left to find a new one. We solicited the help of a doctor friend, who is on mission in Brazil, to get us a referral to one of the best and most popular doctors in the Wenatchee Valley Clinic. The nurses, and others in the know, are shocked we were able to get into this doctor because he has a 1 1/2 - 2 year waiting list for taking new patients.
Anyway, we talked about Max's Parkinson's and his meds and I wanted to discuss his memory issues. The doctor ran Max through a series of questions, including what day and month is it, spell some words... AND then he asked him to write one sentence on a piece of paper. Can you guess what Max's one single sentence was? "I love Carol". How sweet is that?
Tough to top that, so will sign off for tonight.
1 comment:
I loved reading this one! :-)
Your Cuz Peggi
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