Today Max & I got up early and went to the Swap Meet at the College of the Desert. They "swap" their goods for our money. We wanted to get there early before it got too hot or too crowded... and so we could get a parking spot that wasn't too far from the entrance. We arrived about 8:00 and when we left at 10:30 it was already getting warm and was definitely crowded.
It was fun because they've got a lot of new stuff since we were here a couple years ago... and some of the same stuff too. You all know how I love patiotic things, and sox in particular, so I couldn't resist buying several pair of these cool sox. Also we've been looking for a birdhouse to decorate some stumps Max left when cutting out some trees in our yard. This cute little "bait shop" birdhouse is about 8" tall and 8" wide. It was only $14.
Besides the sox and birdhouse we bought some fresh strawberries, dates, dried apricots... and Max got a nice 10 minute massage for $12. He said it was well worth it. Afterwards, I was sorry I didn't get one too! Maybe next time.
Sounds like you guys are having a wonderful relaxing time. Soak up some of that warm weather for us. It is snowing like crazy here. And supposed to get very cold by the end of the week.
Accidently sent an email instead of this... oh well. Was impressed with your shopping finds. Sounds like a fun time down there. Peggi was just commenting to me that she needs some more bird houses for her yard. I suggested she make some original ones of her own design. You guys enjoy yourselves enough for me too down there! It is much to hot for me in the 80s though. We had snow yesterday, but it is sunny and clear here today. Temps only 36 though... almost Spring if not for the freezing at night. Love, Nanc
I am really jealous now... we had 0 degrees yesterday morning and 2 degrees this morning. Supposed to get even colder the next few days. When you coming home? ..... bring some of that great weather with you.
Love, Bunny
Cool...this must be the first birdhouse of your collection so far...(I started at the top of the page and am working down...backwards Peggi)..Love both of them. Are they put up yet?
Cuz Peggi
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