Whew... what a whirlwind I (Carol) have been in. Finally, the new business Shelley and I have been planning for many months has been born! After much ado and a mountain of legal forms Thursday, August 14th, was the official "birthday".
Our new company is Willinger Real Estate (a combination of our two last names (Williams and Granger). We are so excited about our new venture in spite of the fact it's going to be a lot
We have one additional agent who has already joined us, Candy Armstrong. Candy has had her real estate license since 1979 (two years longer than me) but she has been focusing full time on her appraisal business for about 20 years. She will be a good addition to our group.
We don't want to become a BIG company but we're willing to take on a few, select, agents. I have no desire to get so mired in administration that I don't have time to do the fun stuff... spending time with our clients.
So, now you have some idea of why my blog entries have been so scarce. Now that the company is formed and launched I can take a deep breath and refocus. I will try to do better about keeping up.
We'd love to hear from you. Our direct e-mail is: CarolWilliams@charter.net or if you have an AOL e-mail address for us that works too!
Happy Summer!