I've gotten to the point that I worry about Max whenever I leave for a few hours at a time. A couple of weeks ago he fell (for the first time) while I was out getting my hair permed. He fell in the carport, but can't seem to recall exactly where or the circumstances. He hurt his hand bad enough that it swelled up and bruised significantly. He also complained of sore ribs and a tender knee, but nothing broken that we can tell.
As a result, I purchased one of those "tel-emergency" systems at the medical supply store the other day. It's not one of those monthly service fee kind hooked into a central call center... but, as we discovered, does call 911 BEFORE it dials my cell phone.
The gal at the medical supply store warned me it could be a bit of a challenge to set up, but I've gotten pretty good over the years at programming techy things and I can certainly read a set of instructions.
I did all the set-up and was testing it. Within seconds we received a 911 call wanting to know if everything was o.k. I assured them that I was setting up this new tel-emergency system and thought I had programmed my cell number... but didn't know I had called them. So, I tested it again... with the same results. Oops!
This morning, after some overnight inspiration, I tested it again. Within a short time 911 was calling us once again. I told her I was still trying to program this system, and she informed me an officer was on his way. The very polite officer did arrive shortly. I explained what had happened and assured him I would call the customer service number in the paperwork to get some help with this system.
It's good to know the system is working, but it was my understanding we could program my cell phone number (and up to 4 other contacts) into the system for notification. I didn't know 911 was still the first number called.
This isn't really a bad thing. Now, at least, I don't have to worry when I leave. I'll hang the emergency necklace around Max's neck and make him promise not the "experiment" with it. We already know it works! At least he knows what to do if he does fall or have some other emergency when I am away.
Gives me comfort...